Category Archives: Earn an Income – Why AvenaOriginal


avena - empoweredWould you like to help others, and yourself, in all health challenges? From attaining and maintaining perfect help

Have you ever wanted to EARN a residual income… an income that comes in every month. I personally have an income coming in every single month for over eighteen years now from 200 . So by helping and educating others, you can also develop an on-going residual monthly income. This blog and our ULTRA BXP0009602POWERFUL and EDUCATIONAL product site will teach you how to start EARNING TODAY!

We have much Educational material to learn from… videos, DVDs, tapes, literature, in-home conferences, public presentations, friendly and hospitable staff inquires, Revitalize conferences, personal training, etc. Just inquire… contact information below—>>>

So join TODAY and develop that on-going income!

acidity-in-your-body-is-your-biggest-health-threat_115So…  WHAT MAKES “AVENAORIGINAL” — ORIGINAL?

Not All Supplements are Created Equal – As shocking as this may sound, it is true… unless the supplements we consume are regulatory compliant and independently lab tested, we have no real way of knowing what is in the c ontainer. At Avena Originals, we are all about quality, honesty and integrity. And when it comes to the delivery of nutrients, our body has the final say. This is why the most expensive supplements are those that might not work, or even worse, those that do more harm than good.

100 % Pure Products of Nature & 100% Vegan Friendly – Our products are designed according to “The Laws of Nature” with nothing added, nothing taken away. What this means is our products are bio-available, synergistically compatible with our body and ultimately Electrically Available®. This is the foundation of our success. Here is why… Essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes are required for our survival. But certain laws of nature play an essential part in the delivery of nutrients. If you are at all health conscious, one of the most important “Laws of Nature” we need to understand is that… “our body cannot absorb a vitamin without a mineral, and to utilize minerals, our body needs utilizable proteins, but to absorb proteins, our body needs enzymes”!
Most people who supplement are starting at the wrong end of the scale, because it all starts with “enzymes”. And this is why our products bring results! At Avena Originals, we formulate according to nature and we do not cut corners. Quality comes first!

acidity-in-your-body-is-your-biggest-health-threat_115Free from Binders, Toxic Fillers, Extenders & Excipients – And no isolates as the body does not necessarily recognize isolates. For the vast majority of companies, profit is the bottom line. So we get what we pay for. Cheap supplements often contain less effective, low-end ingredients to keep product prices l ow, increasing consumer demand for their products while boosting profit margins.
The end result of cheap supplements is typically low potency and potential toxicity. Regardless of the marketing hype, many supplements on the market are often completely unnecessary – some have even been proven to produce health risks. But at Avena Originals, we start by using only the highest quality ingredients. We understand the potential for supplements to be treated as a toxin by the body and as such we pride ourselves in providing only the purest products of nature!
Our best insurance is to take a more holistic or whole body approach to our health. We need to be sure that the supplements we consume will feed our whole body the way nature intended — this is the way all products bearing the Avena Originals label are formulated. In fact, the leading researchers from around the world are now stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy environment for our hundred trillion cells. The health of our body is largely tied to the health of our cells and not our DNA! Our DNA is merely a blueprint. It does not build, nor does it destroy. Our DNA is our blueprint to be our very best!Check it out Professor_3

We Strive to Educate! – The original saying, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; you have fed him for a lifetime.” is what we are all about. This is why our skilled management team and staff invest our days working together as a team to help protect your investment – your health! At Avena Originals, we strive to educate our members in matters of natural health and wellness helping our members to be more passionate about a better quality of life, to do more, feel better and live longer without pain, misery and illness!

A Unique Referral Membership Program — Imagine providing these truly unique high quality products to your entire family and friends at little to no expense. Join our referral program and purchase products at wholesale cost and refer others to earn and pay for your products. The `Avena Originals Referral Program` has been carefully created to ensure that you have a comfortable place to begin your association with us and plenty of room to grow as your needs and desires increase. A referral program truly equal in opportunity, as Members may earn their first Group Volume Rebate check with as little as one referral.

As a member, you will receive a full color, 90+ page ‘educational’ catalogue of all of our unique and powerful products, colorful newsletters, monthly product discounts, rebates on personal purchases, referral rebates and tools to get started.                                                                                                                                  Click on “Rebates” on the website…

Products in the categories of – ‘Clean the Body’. ‘Feed the Body’, ‘Raw Super Foods’, ‘Raw Super Snacks’, ‘Essential Oils’, ‘Hair & Body Care’, ‘Pet Nutrition’, ‘Special Resource Materials’, ‘Recipes’, and much more…

Take Action NOW!… Join as a member TODAY! – Try the products… we know you will be impressed just like thousands of others are. Below is an overview of our SEVEN major products that have and bring results for all that use them. We find that once members receive proven results from our health program, they keep on using the products. Join as a member (only $25.00) with many benefits, receive the colorful ‘Educational Product Catalogue’ and try some products. We will help and guide you along the way… Just give us a call.
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS 250-220-1262

Ultra Powerful Educational and  Product site: or  Follow our blog… and subscribe on the sidebar of this site.   Join as a member with many benefits and order from website above or call:   Avena Originals – 1-800-207-2239 —                                        Use referral #10164                 PS… Make sure you listen to the “Cloud Radio” on the website!!!