Tag Archives: hepatitis

Recovery from… cancer… ALS… MS… lupus… and other illnesses… the solutions are all there..,.

Coming to — Victoria and other cities…

In June… — check calendar at www.avenaoriginal.info  7:00 PM
In Victoria, BC… Comfort Inn 3020 Blanshard St
A FREE… AvenaOriginal.info presentation

100,000 dis-eases… One Cause…!!!

Secrets of Nutrition & Natural Health
Secrets NOBODY is talking about, but PROVE to be life changing!

***See all the details here… http://IdealHealth4us.blogspot.ca


My profile is here… http://IdealHealth4Life.info

Nicholas Gonzalez, MD reveals the truth about chemotherapy

Chemotherapy drugs are derived from World War I nerve gas chemicals. If you do choose the chemo route…

There are things you MUST do to alleviate the suffering of these toxic drugs…

Dr Gonzales interview… https://youtu.be/24YkS4bwHvs

https://www.youtube.com/embed/24YkS4bwHvs” target=”_blank”>

From death-bed cancer to cancer-free in sixty days…  see the story below…

Plan to attend the the next informative health presentation.
Check the events calendar… http://avenaoriginal.info
Christmas product sale starting in November…  http://avenaoriginal.info

The Cause of All Disease
Go here for More the details…

Updates coming soon.

Plan to attend and bring a friend…. The life you save may be your own.

Request the details and invite someone.

There ARE SOLUTIONS to all illnesses… Nothing cures anything. Only the body can heal itself. Supply the body the tools it needs, the nutrients, and the body will heal. The videos below explain it all.    Request our healing program… e-mail us or call…

Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS    250-220-1262


From death-bed cancer to cancer-free in sixty days…

Michael OBrian Tells Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Story

My battle with Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer

My wife’s amazing recovery from terminal Lupus

After 23 years in helping build a very successful retail electronic family business – our lives ran into a Brick Wall….  Kathy my wife – was diagnosed with one of those so called – INCURRABLE DISEASES – LUPUS.    Like most of us – we quickly depended on our family doctor to help us out.  After many tests – needles and drugs – we heard these words from our Medical system.

We are sorry – but we cannot help you anymore – Go home and learn to live with Lupus – because Kathy – there is NO cure for Lupus. You will always have Lupus and you will die with Lupus.

Listen to the full episode on Cloud radio here…


Listen to other stories and testimonials on Cloud radio

Help others and be highly REWARDED!

Yes, you can earn an income by helping others…  200 Click HERE!  and then… Exclusive Advantage    BXP0009602

Avena Originals Introduction their New Documentary. Showcasing several incredible people who are living inspirations for anyone wanting more out of life! an you heal yourself? There are no incurable diseases! You can heal under all circumstances, these people did it!

A New Life

Get your copy TODAY!  Only $10.00 purchased from the site below.

Join as a member of www.AvenaOriginal.info or www.IdealHealth4Life.info Receive the  DVD for FREE… Contact us for more info… LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca

Cancer Solutions…

Avena Originals… FREE health conference call series… see schedule below… phone call

Chemotherapy Dose…

…a natural news cartoon from… www.NaturalNews.com by Mike Adams the ‘Health Ranger’

Chemotherapy is a barbaric medical procedure. It’s based on injecting highly toxic chemicals into patients and hoping the chemicals kill the cancer cells before they kill the patient. But even when it’s a “success,” it only destroys the patient’s immune system, leading to further development of cancer in the years ahead, all while utterly ignoring the root cause of the cancer in the first place.

I have no doubt that today’s conventional cancer treatments will someday be outlawed entirely and viewed as both barbaric and medically unjustified.

See more here… http://www.counterthink.com/Chemotherapy_Dose.asp

There are safe and simple solutions to eliminating cancers, ALS, MS, lupus and any other illness. The philosophy of ‘Clean the Body – Feed the Body’ has brought success to all those that have accomplished this program.
The results are proof of death-bed cancer to ‘Cancer-Free’ in sixty days…
and ‘Victory over cancer and MS’.

Only the body can heal itself once supplied the proper tools, the nutrients.

Learn more on our blog here…
Subscribe and follow our blog…

“There is no incurable illness only incurable people”.

Receive a FREE DVD when you join as a member of… http://IdealHealth4Life.info    A New Life

A New Life Documentary
This is their story – what will yours be?
Do you love hearing about amazing recoveries from near death illnesses/
You will LOVE “A New Life”
This is the story of people who didn’t and wouldn’t give up when faced with insurmountable odds. Through health challenges and body struggles, to people who want to get as much as possible from their bodies. Hear directly from them how Avena changed their lives and now they are living… A NEW LIFE…
They are having a life that is FREE from their previous restraints… full of life, energy, vibrancy and HEALTH… It is possible! You don’t have to be ‘sick’ to take control of your life and reclaim your health. Why wait?
Videoed on beautiful Vancouver Island in the area of Parksville and Qualicum.


Kim H – Terrific endurance at age 63 as a river rafter.
Hagen V – at age 82 overcame his battle with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
Bill F – On verge of prostate surgery, learned how to heal himself and WIN!
Darren B – One of the top ranked Free Ride Mountain Bikers. Maintains his stamina and endurance.
Christina P – lung cancer while pregnant and later thyroid cancer and eliminated MS.
Laura B – A woman who eliminated severe eczema.

More stories of healing… arthritis, cancer, cataracts, diabetes, heart & circulatory problems, crohns, hepatitis C, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), mental illness, alzheimers, dementia and much more… found on the sites below.
Request the DVD ($10)… FREE with membership.
Follow our ‘Educational Health’ blog… http://www.LeadingEdgeHealth.org
LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca 250-220-1262

 Help others and be HIGHLY REWARDED!  And yes… you can earn an income!  Go to our Powerful Product and Educational site… http://IdealHealth4Life.info

How I Won the Battle Over Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer


How I had ‘Victory’ over Multiple Sclerosis & Cancer

It is possible for anyone to have the same results.         

Find out how… The life you save may be your own!

Testimony – My battle with Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer

YouTube video link…          http://youtu.be/Ug6_LUl3Jc4

Request our colorful 96 page ‘Educational’ catalog and newsletter… ‘News & Views to a Healthier You’.

Call: 1(250)220-1262 LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca                                                                                                    

Help yourself and help others attain ideal health and

‘BE HIGHLY REWARDED’ by helping others ‘Reclaim Their Health’.  See the category… EARN an INCOME–>–>–>

Contact us at: LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca

  Orders can be made on our website…  www.AvenaOriginal.info 

Testimony – My battle with Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer         http://youtu.be/Ug6_LUl3Jc4

*** A note here that nothing cures anything… only the body will heal itself when the PROPER TOOLS… the proper nutrients are supplied.

#6 ENZYMES (#2) — the “Sparks” of Life

Note… First time reader… Follow the ”Educational Health” articles in sequence starting with #1 at the bottom, than #2, #3… etc.


Where people find valuable tips and information to aid them in taking responsibility for their own health and well-being.

Leading Edge Health is the premier publication addressing little known tips and remedies to common health problems and introducing products that detoxify the body and promote regeneration of tissues and organs naturally.

Subscription info is located at the bottom of this newsletter.


   Over the past one hundred years, approximately 100 new diseases have come into existence. The following article will explain the major underlying cause and a simple solution to this problem.

 “Kill not the food which goes into your mouth. For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life, and death comes always from death. For everything which kills your food, kills your bodies also.”

From the ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ as quoted by the ‘Essenes’.

Cooking and processing is the main killer of enzymes in our food. When we eat processed and cooked food we eat dead food. Therefore we end up with diseased and dying bodies.

The Hidden Magic of Enzymes ……….

— The fountain of life and the fountain of youth!

   Staying young and healthy depends on us keeping enzyme activity in our bodies at a maximum. Enzymes must always be part of all food to be health building. They must be part of every supplement. No food or supplement has healing and normalizing abilities except when functioning in combination with very specific enzymes.

 Enzymes take part in every function of the body. Very little is mentioned about enzymes in health reports and other literature as the addition of high quality enzymes to the diet would render many other health products ineffective.

We are born with the ability to create both digestive and systemic enzymes, however there is a limitation to the quantity of enzymes that our bodies can produce from birth until we die.

We have what you might call an enzyme bank. If we continually take enzymes out of the bank without putting more back in, our enzyme bank account will become depleted.

Enzymes control every action and activity of the body. A low enzyme count will cause every organ and tissue of the body to degenerate. Conversely, a high enzyme count will rejuvenate every organ and tissue of the body.

Enzymes die at about 114 degrees F., a temperature where you could comfortably wash your hands. All cooked food is devoid of enzymes, but that is only half of the problem.

Today, the majority of the produce that you buy from the grocery store have been heated, preserved or irradiated for the express purpose to kill all of the enzymes, so that the food will last longer on the shelf before spoiling. All packaged and processed foods contain no enzymes whatsoever.

Therefore, the average American diet contains almost zero enzymes. If you don’t have enzymes at the time you eat a meal, your body misses 5 of the 9 essential amino acids (protein) that can only be acquired from the foods we eat.

Amino acids (found in TOCO) are the building blocks that make up the 5 billion dead and dying cells we lose on a daily basis. There are 22 known amino acids and our bodies can manufacture some of them, but nine of them must come from our diet. The only way to get them is from enzymatic action.

With no enzymes, our body cannot utilize protein. With no protein, our body cannot utilize minerals. With no mineral utilization, the body cannot produce vitamins. Vitamins are the catalysts for all body functions. If you are fatigued or suffering from any kind of health disorder, the major underlying cause is lack of enzymes.

 Enzymes taken in between meals will enter the blood stream. Similar to little pac-men, they will go throughout the body, gobbling up garbage that has settled throughout the organs and tissues of the body.

Most adults suffer from leaky gut syndrome. This simply means you have tiny microscopic holes in the intestine which allows undigested protein to pass from the gut, directly into the bloodstream. When these proteins settle out in the joints, they are surrounded by fibrin and we call the result arthritis. When these proteins settle in the myelin sheath, we call it Multiple Sclerosis and when it settles in the muscles we call it Fibromyalgia.

The cause is one and the same. The remedy is overdosing on enzymes. If you have enough enzymes, they will digest the proteins before they get to the gut, which is the cause of the problem in the first place. An over-abundance of enzymes will also go to work to digest and remove a lot of the garbage that most of us have in our colons. This will also aid the gut to heal so that it no longer leaks toxins into the blood stream.

Taking enough enzymes between meals will put enzymes into the blood stream where they will be carried to every tissue of the body. These enzymes will go to work and start digesting the proteins that have settled around the joints and muscle tissues and taking them into solution where they can be removed by the organs of elimination.

Some researchers believe that Down’s syndrome is caused by a lack of enzymes in the mother while the fetus is in the womb. Enzymes are responsible for manufacturing the chromosomes and a severe deficiency of enzymes results in an imperfect chromosome.

X-ray pictures are available of Down’s syndrome people who were place on massive doses of enzymes over an extended period of time. Several pictures taken over a period of time portray a metamorphosis. Facial features changed. Spines gradually straightened out as some of these people grew as much as a foot taller. Today you cannot tell that any of these people ever suffered from Down’s syndrome.

The body has remarkable curative powers when we give it the nutrition it needs to do its work. Even the mutated chromosomes in the examples above were repaired, allowing the new cells that are dying and replaced to be normal healthy cells. Recent studies show that the body completely regenerates in 3 years, not seven as was formerly believed. This information could provide hope for a lot of people.

Get on these enzymes and plan on staying on them for the rest of your life. Then share this information with as many people as you can.

If you want to see fast results, take 3-4 capsules of high quality enzymes 5 times a day. If you take double that amount, you will experience miraculous results. The body never wastes an enzyme and whatever is not used immediately will be stored for future use, so you will get 100% of the value of every capsule you take. You can never take too much!

After 3-4 weeks on this dosage, you will notice a change in the texture of your stool as your enzyme levels begin to climb back to normal. Enzymes taken with the food will go in and pre-digest your food in the first hour, breaking down the protein and carbohydrates and turning them into sugars. Enzymes also cut the amino acids up into bite sized pieces that are small enough to enter the cell.

As an experiment, cook up some oatmeal and let it cool long enough to turn to glue. Put about 1/8 of a cup of oatmeal into two cups. Put 1-2 capsules of enzymes in one of the cups and stir it up. You can stir the other cup, just to see that nothing changes with the cup without enzymes.

The oatmeal with enzymes will start turning to liquid as it is being predigested. After about a half hour, taste the oatmeal from both cups. The oatmeal with enzymes will taste sweet, because the enzymes are breaking down the sugars to be utilized by the body. Taste it again after another half hour and you will find it to be even sweeter than before.

Supplemental enzymes can aid digestion, dissolve blood clots, fight back pain, decrease swelling, speed up healing, fight wrinkles, ease hindered breathing, stimulate the immune system, help fight cancer and HIV/AIDS and other viruses such as hepatitis. In other words, enzymes can do an awful lot.

There are over 5,000 different kinds of enzymes. If you supply enough of the enzymes found in supplemental enzymes, your body will have plenty of reserve to manufacture all of the other enzymes you need to maintain the highest levels of health.

Untold suffering can be alleviated with nothing more than the right kind of enzymes. Don’t cheat yourself any longer by going without, or by trying to find a cheap substitute that won’t do a fraction of what high quality enzymes will do for you. As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. Not all enzymes are created equal as many enzymes sold, use a cheaper quality in order so they could be sold at a lower cost. To get the same results, you would have to take up to four times the quantity. This would drive the cost up considerably.

Many enzymes in the marketplace are produced from animal/bovine sources which creates an acidic condition of the body. Or, pancreatic enzymes that work on a very narrow acid/alkaline pH base. The high acid content of the stomach would destroy these enzymes before they ever reached their intended destination. Both are also not compatible with the body DNA and could be harmful, especially in large quantities.

They are enzymes which are 100% pure from vegetable sources and work in a pH range of between 2 and 12. These same enzymes are used by the medical profession and Avena Originals is one of the very few suppliers that supplies these enzymes to the general public through the health membership network.

Add our Herb Cocktail, (a colon food, a whole body systemic detox and the only Electrically Available’ product that assists to remove diverticuli pockets from the colon walls…) 

Friendly Flora, the beneficial bacteria, is classified as the most powerful probiotic by even the most elite health care professionals, this novel strain of friendly bacteria helps you to achieve remarkably new levels of success in probiotic supplementation!

What makes this natural health product excel far above the rest is its exclusive, patented strain of Lactobacilli OM, which delivers unique documented proteolytic abilities to distinctly attack negative unfriendly pathogens (such as viruses and bacteria that often encase themselves in a protective protein shell).

TOCO  a complete whole food, raw protein which feeds the liver, removes arterial plaque and contains all the 22 amino acids for youthfulness and longevity.

Add Electric ‘C’ – the electroytes —  to the enzyme regimen plus other Whole-Food supplements, and you have one of the most beneficial programs available for staying healthy.

Electric ‘C’ is one of the most important vitamins, and is said to be one of the best and most cost effective health insurances available. (A complete vitamin ‘C’ and not just ascorbic acid which is not really vitamin’C’.) Crucial to a healthy immune system, the famous Dr. Linus Pauling proposed that regular intake of vitamin C not only helps to prevent and shorten the duration of the common cold, but also prevents secondary viral or bacterial complications.

Our ‘Keys to Ultimate Health’ program provides the most complete health regimen available today. Many people have been able to eliminate their most severe health challenges utilizing this unique health program. Request a copy today!

Go on the ‘Keys To Ultimate Health’ program. This is the single most important thing you can do to improve the quality of your health. People have experienced ‘Miraculous Transformations’ in their lives.

Become a health club member of Avena Originals. This allows you to purchase at wholesale price and receive monthly specials and newsletters. Many other high quality whole-food products are available. Visit our website:


Help others attain ‘Ideal Health’ and be highly rewarded.

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View our compensation plan on the website.

For further study — much resource material is available.

Call us at: 1-250-222-1262 for a complete info pack.


Louis Hoolaeff HR ACS

We utilize only the highest quality enzymes available.

Feel free to pass this on to a friend or family member.

The lives you influence will be greatly appreciated!