Tag Archives: phyto nutrients

Cancer: Could the CURE be in the CAUSE?

            You Aren’t Sick Because You Have Cancer –
                                 You HAVE Cancer Because You Are Sick!

“Statistically, life expectancy of untreated cancer patients is greater than treated ones.”      

“Nutritional manipulation can turn cancer on and off.”

“Only when the immune system is incapable of destroying these malignant cells will cancer develop.”

“The more cancer cells the more Enzymes and Proteolytic Probiotics are needed by the body.”

“Cancer ALWAYS comes back following chemotherapy and radiation” Natural News Report

Lorraine Day, M.D.

If you had a young child who was very sick with chicken pox, with pox marks all over the skin of his body, would you take that child to the doctor and ask the doctor to cut out all the pox marks in the child’s skin – or burn them out – or poison them out – so the child “would be well?”

Of course you wouldn’t!

You would know that the pox marks in the child’s skin are a local manifestation of a systemic disease – a disease that affects the child’s whole body. You would also know that when the child’s body gets well, the pox marks on his skin will go away automatically. You would understand that your focus should be on supporting the child’s recovery systemically – meaning the recovery of the child’s whole body – rather than focusing on the pox marks.

The pox marks aren’t the cause of the problem. The pox marks are the result of the problem. The child is not sick because of the pox marks. On the contrary, the child has pox marks on his skin because his whole body is sick with the chicken pox!

Even though chicken pox is a contagious disease (it can be transmitted from one person to another), and cancer is not contagious, the analogy is still true. If a person has cancer, he is not sick because he has cancer; he has cancer because he is sick – because his whole body is sick.

The cancerous tumor is not the cause of the person being sick; the cancerous tumor is the result of a body that is very sick, whether or not the person “feels” sick at the time he or she is diagnosed.

The focus must be on getting the whole body well – not on getting rid of the tumor. Because when the body gets well – the tumor will automatically go away – just like the pox marks in the skin of a child with chicken pox will go away when that child’s body gets well.

Unfortunately, we physicians are all taught to focus on the tumor. We are, by default, taught to ignore the patient’s general physical condition and do everything possible to make the tumor go away by using poisonous chemotherapy, by using burning radiation, or by mutilating surgery, even though those “treatments” will do serious harm to the patient’s immune system – the one system the patient needs to get him well and keep him well.

Both chemotherapy and radiation CAUSE cancer. Every doctor knows that. It makes no sense to “treat” a cancer patient with a “treatment” that CAUSES cancer –the disease he already has – the disease the patient wants cured!

And no case of cancer has ever been caused by having “too many” organs or “too many” body parts. That’s why cutting off one’s body parts or cutting out one’s organs will NOT cure cancer. The cancer will just come back in the same place, or a different place, or the person will develop a different life-threatening disease.

The ONLY way to cure a disease is to find out the factors that have caused it then change those factors.

“I’m healthy – except for the cancer, of course.”

It’s not unusual for a patient with cancer to e-mail those exact words to me. People believe their cancerous tumor is somehow isolated from the rest of their body, and even from their general health, as though the body is made up of isolated parts that have no relationship to each other. Why? Because that is what we doctors are taught in our training. And doctors believe the lie – and they pass the lie on to their patients.

Physicians apparently have forgotten that the same blood that circulates through the cancerous tumor also circulates through the rest of the body – and has been circulating through the patient’s body for a long time before the cancer is diagnosed, because it usually takes a minimum of five years – or more – for a cancerous tumor to grow large enough to be detectable by any of the diagnostic methods we physicians have available.

That’s why it’s so ludicrous for a doctor to pressure you into surgery, chemotherapy or radiation “Right Away” as though the cancer just occurred “yesterday” and it must be eradicated as soon as possible (even by methods that are horrendously harmful to your body – methods that actually CAUSE cancer).

The cancer has been there for a long, long time when it is first diagnosed. It didn’t just “drop from the sky yesterday,” That’s why everyone with cancer has time to educate himself or herself on the options available – particularly on how to actually REVERSE the cancer. I’m not suggesting that a person do nothing, or spend many weeks or months making up one’s mind, but certainly one has 2 or 3 weeks to get educated on how he or she can get well without all the damaging effects of the only “treatments” that doctors recommend.

Cancer Doesn’t “fall from the sky”

All Cancers and all other types of diseases as well, do not “fall from the sky” nor do they “just happen.” We give them to ourselves slowly, one day at a time, over a long period of time, by the way we live, think, act, eat, and handle stress, factors that suppress our immune system, the only system in our body that can get us well and keep us well.

In order to get well, we must reverse the damage we have done to our body over many, many years. We must learn how we caused our cancer, and then we must learn how to stop doing the things that caused our cancer and start doing the things that will rebuild our immune system.

There are NO “Quick Fixes”

It took years for you to give yourself cancer, just as it took years for me to give myself cancer. And neither one of us did it on purpose. We did it ignorantly, but we did it just the same. We did it by the way we were living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress.

Because it took years for us to get ourselves sick, it takes time to reverse the damage we have done. Fortunately, it doesn’t take as long to get well as it took us to make ourselves sick, but it does take time to reverse the damage we have caused in our body.

And in order to Get Well, we must be willing to spend the time necessary to learn how we made ourselves sick, and what changes we need to make to get well. The Health Plan is relatively simple – but it is not easy – because one must change almost everything about his or her life. One must have the determination, commitment, tenacity, and self control to do what needs to be done in order to Get Well.

And no one can do that for you. You must do it for yourself. You are the only one who can change your habits. You are the only one who can rebuild your immune system. And it must be done by totally natural methods, using only the things that God has created, and using them only in the form that God has created them – not modified by man.

You are the one who made yourself sick – so you are the only one who can make yourself well. And that is the Good News. You CAN do it.

Doctors will tell you that no one really knows what causes cancer, and that you are helpless to do anything for yourself. Instead, you must submit your life and health to the doctor who is not allowed by the medical establishment to use any methods of treatment for cancer other than poisonous chemotherapy, burning radiation, or mutilating surgery. What every doctor knows – but is unwilling to share with the patient – is that both chemotherapy and radiation CAUSE Cancer.
Again, it makes no sense at all to “treat” a cancer patient with a “treatment” that

CAUSES the exact deadly disease that the patient already has!
But, unfortunately, that’s all we doctors are ever taught in our training.

The Causes of Cancer ARE Known

The Causes of Cancer have been known for many years. They are all well documented in the medical literature. But we physicians are never taught them in our medical training. In my workbook, “Getting Started on Getting Well” there are 17 pages of abstracts from the finest medical journals in the world documenting the causes of cancer. I found them when I was struggling to learn how to reverse my severe, advanced cancer that took me to death’s door.

Unfortunately, we physicians are never taught this information in our medical training. We are only taught to 1) give harmful drugs, or 2) use mutilating surgery.

You are Not Helpless or Hopeless

If you believe that your cancer “just happened” and the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress had nothing to do with your developing cancer, then you have no choice but to bow to the white coats and accept all the poisonous chemotherapy, burning radiation, and mutilating surgery they will prescribe for you. You are helpless to help yourself.

But if you will spend the time to learn how you gave yourself your disease, and how you – and only you – can reverse it, you have enormous power in your hands, the power to change the way you have been living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress – and Get Well!

You are NOT helpless. Your situation is NOT hopeless. You CAN get well, but it will take perseverance, commitment, determination, tenacity, and self control to spend the time necessary to learn what you need to do to Get Well – and then Do It!

You must have the ability to “go against the flow” to “swim upstream” to “stand on your own two feet” and have the courage and strength to do what is right for your body even though your family, friends, and even strangers may ridicule what you are doing, and even though they will demand that you “believe the experts in the white coats.”

Few people are able to withstand criticism and ostracism. They want to be accepted by their peers. They want to do what the “group” does. They don’t want to be different – even to the point of losing their own life. It’s sad – but true.

But you don’t have to go that route. You can take charge of your own health and vow to change the factors in your life that caused your disease – and Get Well!
Do you want to be well? The choice is yours.

Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert.


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Cancer: Could the CURE be IN the CAUSE? Request the full report…

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