#4 Why We Age…

    Note… First time reader… Follow the ”Educational Health” articles in sequence starting with #1 at the bottom, than #2, #3… etc.


         We can stay youthful way into our ‘Golden’ years! 

We Age Because We Run Out of ENZYMES…

  Does some of your colon look like this?

Does some of your colon look like this?


Herb Cocktail’  helps correct… A Toxic Colon

We age & get ill because we run out of Enzymes…We can always tell when a person is getting low or depleted of enzymes!

Some people say they can’t live without it. Some people don’t know what it is. Most cultures fasted on a regular basis. By taking liquids only, for one day out of each week they assisted their lymph systems to remove the wastes that accumulate in the tissues. They understood that the build-up of toxins caused all types of illnesses.

Today there is greater awareness for the physical, mental and emotional destruction caused by toxins.

Scientists from the World Health Organization and the National Cancer Institute (NC) estimate that between 60% – 80% of all cancer is caused by chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. All degenerative diseases have increased dramatically over the last eighty years. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, cystic fibrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, emphysema, multiple sclerosis, colitis, arteriosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and now we have conditions that most of us never heard of until recently. Alzheimer’s, aids, hyperactivity, P.M.S., chronic fatigue syndrome. This dramatic increase in degenerative diseases is understandable because it parallels a dramatic increase in the toxins we are exposed to…automobile exhaust, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, house-hold poisons (caulking with tolune, xylene, arcylates, air fresheners, antic-static dryer products, polishes), nuclear radiation (bomb testing, reactors). The very material the body needs for self-cleaning – water, oils and vegetables – have now become carriers of poisons instead of cleansers. Little wonder our systems are so over-burdened.

It isn’t a matter of curing disease – it’s a process of removing the toxins before they cause disease. Avena’s Electrically available body cleansing products are formulated to help the body rid itself of these destructive materials. Now more than ever, we must protect ourselves by cleansing our bodies.

A depletion of enzymes and probiotics, which is our immune system, creates illnesses as shown here plus all other know dis-eases.

ALL illness is caused by a nutritional deficiency and chemical pollution. Cooked food creates a nutritional deficiency.

.Learn what the cause of illness is and how to eliminate it easily…     Request our ‘Health Educational Package… LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca    or call… 250-220-1260

<<<We end up here if we do not take health into our own hands!
                  We have an Educational cancer package available… How to prevent and eliminate cancer and any other illness…
Request your package TODAY! 
Send us your postal mailing address and we will rush one out to you… LeadingEdgeHealth@shaw.ca

2 responses to “#4 Why We Age…

  1. This information is worth everyone’s attention.
    Where can I find out more?

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